Scrap SMART- Step 3: Get clear on your OWN scrapbook style!

What scrapbook pages are you drawn to?

I have always preferred a classic style- to keep my photos (not the embellishments) the heart of my page. I want as many photos on there as I can to tell my story! This is the style I use and teach. Using this method, your album is a better value, because it houses more photos. This approach streamlines album completion, and relieves you of the stress of having hundreds of embellishments and wondering how to lay them out on a page. Honestly, I just can’t cope with that!

Embellishing is fun, but having too many embellishments takes the focus off the photos, which is the opposite of what I want to do! I know what I like! Do you? This is really important! You don’t have to like exactly what I do, but you need to know WHAT you like before you start. Take a look on Pinterest for some scrapbook pages. What appeals to you? Where does your eye rest? I started out mounting individual photos with colored paper because I liked color on my page, but now I use blocks of colored paper because it has the same effect, but it saves me time. Then I don’t end up with those pesky scraps in all shapes and sizes! Your style may evolve over time, but think about what is most important to you. This is YOUR book and it should reflect YOU.

Christmas Album||


Scrap SMART- Step 4: Create a notebook that includes your album plans and timelines for each project.


Scrap SMART- Step 2: Gather everything in ONE place!