Do these stacks of photos and

piles of memorabilia look familiar?

We all have them! We are overflowing with photos…either on our devices that are NOT yet printed, or stacks that already are! What about all that paper? Letters, documents, report cards, awards…

How to make sense of it? Let me help you with a simple plan to keep you focused and completing your projects! You can SCRAP SMARTER!

Tip#1- Begin with the END in mind.

If you could pull any scrapbook off the shelf right now, what would it be? A great vacation you’d love to share with friends, a child’s album, a Family book? What is your priority? Do you have a child graduating soon? That could change things! If you are doing a book for a child- how many books do you want to ultimately give them? One, two three? You decide what makes sense for you. Jot down your top three ideas for albums and decide which is #1. You need to know where you want to start.

Tip #2- Gather everything in ONE place.

This means all of your photos, memorabilia and any scrapbook supplies you might already have! Create a place to work for yourself…a table dedicated to this project makes all the difference in the world. If it can be in a separate room where you can close the door and walk in and out, all the better! I will show you how to sort and organize your things so you can easily access them, but for right now, just gather them and look around for where you can store things once we start progressing.

Tip#3- Get clear on your OWN scrapbook style.

I have learned for myself, that I love clean, classic pages! I like using some color and embellishments to make it fun, but my pictures are always the star of the page! I like getting several photos on one page and journaling is my favorite embellishment. The photos go in, then the story, then the accents. That is what makes a page come alive for me! You may have a different style- and that’s okay! You just need to know what YOUR style is and be true to it. If you have time and like to be decorative, go ahead and play with that, but be realistic as to the pace of your album completion. We had four children when I started scrapbooking and I knew I had to be intentional with my approach to complete an album for each child. We had set of twins after that! Now we have grandchildren! Get very clear on why you create albums and what you want to give to your family. Don’t compare to what anyone else is doing out there. Your albums reflect you and what you feel is important!

I have 10 Simple Steps to help you! Start right here!

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.jpg

Start the year off with holiday photos in an album! Tell your story and it will become your favorite holiday decoration!