Scrap SMART! How to MAKE A SCRAPBOOK : 10 EASY Steps!

You have seen a friend or family members scrapbook and you are excited! So many possibilities! You want to get started on your own…but what should you do first? You may feel a little unsure of the next step and how to get going. No worries! That is what I am here for! I LOVE to scrapbook and I LOVE to teach people a simple system to create beautiful scrapbook albums! I have been doing this for 30 years now and I can guide you through the process step by step! Here is a quick overview and I will expand on each step on how to get organized for you!

Step #1- Decide which project you will start first.

Writing it down will help you stay focused!

Step #2 - Gather everything you will need in ONE place!

Photos, Memorabilia, and scrapbook tools and supplies you have. I strongly recommend the Creative Memories 12 inch trimmer for cutting paper and a Creative Memories personal trimmer for cropping photos. Having a few core tools makes a huge difference!

Step #3- Get clear on your scrapbook style!

What types of albums do you love to look at? Are you a clean, classic scrapper or do you really love highly decorative pages? How many pictures do you want on a page? Take a look on Pinterest or google scrapbook pages and take a look. What appeals to you?

Step #4 - Create a Notebook with a written timeline.

I have a timeline you can print to keep your thoughts straight during your project. Put it in a pretty notebook that you easily recognize and access and keep it with your stash of photos and supplies. This will become your good friend! Write down ideas and thoughts in here, as well as store a timeline for each project. You will jot down more information as you sort your photos to free up your brain! Let’s get yourself organized!

Step #5 - Organize your photos!

You know what your end goals are and you will feel great when those photos are sorted and ready to scrap! Narrow this down to your absolute favorites!

Step #6 - Organize your Memorabilia!

What is important to keep and what can you toss? Only keep what really speaks to your heart.

Step #7- Create a color palette for your project.

Start with 3 main colors and carry them throughout your book for a cohesive, classic look. Then add in a pop of color! When you narrow your choices you make faster decisions and your album can be completed quickly. Creative Memories has lots of collections to choose from and you can extend them out with some beautiful solid core cardstock. Just a little pattern goes a long way!

Step #8 - Power Layout!

This systematic approach will help you clarify your pages before you start adhering anything. You can see where you start and where the album will end up and make any necessary adjustments before you put photos on your pages. This step is SO worth your time! Once you do this, you will never go back to creating 2 pages at a time. A practical, time efficient method!

Step #9 - Learn the 3 Scrap Techniques for beautiful, fast pages!

Create an eyeline, use blocks of color and cluster your embellishments.

Step #10 - Words matter! Let’s tell stories together!

You breathe life into your story when you journal about it! It is the BEST embellishment to your page!

Let’s get started! Go to Scrap SMART- Step 1!


Scrap SMART-Step 1: Decide on the project you want to start with.


Baking Spirits Bright!