Baseball Scrapbooks

You bet! Is there anything better than baseball? America’s favorite pastime..toasting yourself in the sun, wondering what the next play will be …for hours and hours! Some of our best days were at the ball field munching on food from the snack bar and talking through every detail of the game. Be sure to document whatever your child is into-with photos and stories of their victories and defeats. Did they have specific goals they worked hard to achieve? It’s about their growth, along with the life lessons they learned in sports. Journal about them to reinforce how to handle them gracefully!

If you have a lot of photos of one sport, consider putting them in their own album. If you have just a few, you may want to incorporate that into their own books. I am a huge advocate of doing scrapbooks while your kids are growing up, so they can feel you are in their corner and involved in their story. What is important to them, is important to you! If that ship has sailed, and your kids are older, just journal about how you felt and what you remember from those days. They will still love looking at them and may remember details you have long forgotten.

I love looking at my boys baseball scrapbooks! Be sure to use team colors in your paper, have THEM write about some of their best moments, and enlarge some photos for some variety in your pages. Get some close ups of their faces for those 12x12 size baseball scrapbooks! Nothing cuter than boys in their uniform! I believe in clean classic pages that are fast to do, but beautiful to look at!

(Click on each picture to advance the slideshow.)


School Scrapbooks and Croptoberfest!


Birthdays for Adults!